Search Results - stephen+ethier

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ERK-Mediated Grb7 Phosphorylation: A Biomarker and Potential Therapeutic Target in Her2/Grb7 Amplified Cancers
This invention is a new bio-marker for breast and other cancers that have Her2 and Grb7 gene amplifications, thus providing a therapeutic intervention in Her2/Grb7 amplified cancers.Background40% of breast cancers, as well as several other cancer types, display increased activation of tyrosine kinases from the ErbB family, with Her2 found amplified...
Published: 3/12/2018   |   Inventor(s): Guri Tzivion, Deborah Leicht, Alexander Kaplun, Stephen Ethier
Keywords(s): Biomarker, Biotechnology, Cancer, Cancer Therapies, Therapeutics
Category(s): Diagnostic, Life Science, Oncology