Search Results - %22Life+Science%22+and+%22Software%22

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Disulfide by Design 2.0: A web-based tool for disulfide engineering in proteins
Background:Immunoinformatics employs a computer-driven approach to identifying fragments of the target pathogen that would provide a suitable vaccine, avoiding potential safety concerns from the more traditional approach of using whole pathogens. Immunoinformatics now plays a crucial role in vaccine design, immunodiagnostic development, and antibody...
Published: 4/18/2022   |   Inventor(s): Alan Dombkowski, Douglas Craig
Keywords(s): Coronavirus, COVID-19
Category(s): Life Science, Software, Simulation & Modeling, Research tools, Computer Software, Protein/peptides
Improved DW-MRI analysis methods for detecting motor functions
Summary:Diffusion weighted MRI (DW-MRI) is an important imaging tool in mapping associated white matter pathways in the brain. WSU has developed a new software program that analyzes DW-MRI images using improved models (ICA+BSM) and algorithmic methods (DWI tractography & Kalman filter analysis). The WSU software can automatically identify primary...
Published: 11/11/2021   |   Inventor(s): Justin Jeong, Eishi Asano, Diane Chugani, Harry Chugani
Category(s): Life Science, Software, MRI