Search Results - sunxi+wang

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Targeted Drug Delivery for Spinal Cord Injury
Technology Summary: WSU researchers have developed a new nanoparticle-drug conjugate for treating cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) that can restore respiratory function to the paralyzed hemi diaphragm. Using the nano-conjugate enables targeted delivery of the drug directly to the respiratory centers resulting in dramatically lower effective dosages...
Published: 11/11/2021   |   Inventor(s): Harry Goshgarian, Guangzhao Mao, Yi Zou, Sunxi Wang
Keywords(s): Central Nervous System, Drug Delivery, Neuroscience, Therapeutics
Category(s): Therapeutics, Life Science, Drug Delivery, Medical, Chemical Processing/Systhesis, Nanomaterials, Neurological disorders, Receptors/targets
Nano-beaker array formation process and its use for high-throughput loading and crystallization screening and other lab-on-the-chip applications
Wayne State University researchers have invented a novel process to make array patterns and its use for high-throughput screening of crystallization conditions, liquid solution applications, and other lab-on-the-chip applications. The formation process is a variation of “particle lithography” in which microparticles such as polystyrene microparticles...
Published: 9/17/2019   |   Inventor(s): Guangzhao Mao, Daniel Sobczynski, Sunxi Wang, Eugene Xhahysa, Pedram Jahanian
Keywords(s): Nanotechnology
Category(s): Physical Sciences, Microfluidics, MEMS, Life Science, Research tools, Other